Amatyakaraka - The Celestial Advisor
The Karaka is the Hand of God. For our choices in life to manifest success elegantly, we need the lubrication that comes from divine guidance and support, what we refer to as Grace. For this, we must pay attention to the Karaka. Afterall, only if we can realize the purpose of the soul in this incarnation can we feel satisfied and complete the karma that leads to rebirth if left unaddressed. The Chara Amatyakaraka, along with the Chara Atma and Bhatri-karaka grahas, is a crucial graha in the chart to help play a role in realizing the purpose of the soul.
For Yogas to fructify in the charts, we need the bhava, the bhava lord, the anityakaraka [also knows as the dispositor], the karaka graha and the chara-karaka of the bhava to be strong and supportive of the direction. This is vital to understand why some Yogas work in the charts and most often do not bear fruit. In the field of career and related success, it is the Amatyakaraka that plays a significant role as the chara-karaka for the chart. The people represented by the Amatyakaraka graha play a significant role in providing their counsel, advice, and guidance during crucial moments. Jupiter is the Natural Amatyakaraka and the Charakaraka bhava of the Amatyakaraka is the 10th house of the chart.
The 10th house is the Akasha lagna. The field of Shakti. The karma tied to our careers at the gross level is associated with our ability to experience comforts and success, but at the higher plane, it is the mechanism to complete our debts and desires such that we can progress spiritually. Thus, the Amatyakaraka plays a significant role in our evolution in this incarnation.
As your advisor, this is the guiding light.
|| ॐ गुरवे नमः ||
Insights from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Parashara Muni shares in his chapter on Raja-Sambandhayoga-adhya, in Shloka 1, that the Amatyakaraka or its dispositor (anityakaraka) in Yuti with the 10th lord gives very high positions in one’s career
In shloka 3, he states that the very relationship of the Amatyakaraka and the Atmakaraka either directly or through their dispositors provides the native with great intelligence and enables them to reach high positions in their respective fields.
In shloka 4, Parashara Muni shares that just the Amayakaraka graha itself being with benefics or in good avasthas, such as in swakshetra or exalted, is enough to confer a high position in one’s career.
In shloka 5, Parashara Muni states that the Amatyakaraka in trines to the Lagna confers high positions in one’s career.
Karaka Grahas
The subtext is that such a career should be a one supported by the Amatyakaraka graha or those that are in Yuti with it. Some examples of career choices supported by the Amatyakaraka Graha are
Moon as Amatyakaraka
Vocal Music
Food and Hospitality
Service Industry
Maternal Care
Public Housing
Sun as Amatyakaraka
Government Roles
Instrumental Music
Leadership & Executive Positions
Mercury as Amatyakaraka
Early Education
Professional Writing
Trade Oriented Business
Tax & Audit services
Financial & Actuarial Analytics
Sales and Public Relations
Mars as Amatyakaraka
Law enforcement
Medical Surgery
Competitive Sports
Venus as Amatyakaraka
Creative Roles
Show Business
Design Roles
Fashion Industry
Administrative Roles
Jupiter as Amatyakaraka
Consulting & Advisory roles
Higher Education
Knowledge Related professions
Traditional Financial Industry
Rahu as Amatyakaraka
International Roles
Innovative or Unconventional Roles
Crypto and Exotic Finance
Environmental Services
Saturn as Amatyakaraka
Public & Social Service
Janitorial Services
Labor Driven Businesses
Social Media Influencer
Public Broadcaster
We must not however, get carried away by a single variable in the chart to predict the career choice. The placement of the Amatyakaraka in different houses, the Yuti’s with different grahas and the Karana Lord, 10th from the Sun, Moon and Mercury in the Rashi and Dashamsha varga along with the devatas associated are crucial to fully understand the implications on Career choice.
To understand this complex energy system guiding our livelihood and success in the world, set up a consultation to get a complete picture and develop your road map of success.